Steelcase BPA estimée Q/Q

Quel est le BPA estimée Q/Q de Steelcase?

Le BPA estimée Q/Q de Steelcase, Inc. est 125.00%

Quelle est la définition de BPA estimée Q/Q?

Le taux de croissance prospectif du BPA trimestriel, d'une année à l'autre , correspond à l'augmentation estimée du BPA d'une entreprise pour le prochain trimestre par rapport à la performance d'un trimestre précédent.

The prospective EPS growth rate is a predicted estimate of the earnings per share growth rate towards the current quarter and expressed as a percentage compared to the respective past quarter. The estimated earnings per share growth rate is an important factor for judging a company's value. Comparing EPS history with stock price history helps determine the most likely future direction of the stock price.

Earnings per share is the monetary value of earnings per outstanding share of common stock for a company. The EPS is usually calculated as profit without preferred dividends divided by weighted average of common stock shares over the past twelve months.

Que fait Steelcase?

steelcase helps leading organizations – in business, healthcare and education – create the places that can unlock the promise of their people. recognized as one of the world's most admired companies by fortune magazine!

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