Le Ret. sur les actifs de Interpace Biosciences Inc est -10.65%
Le rendement des actifs indique dans quelle mesure les actifs d'une entreprise génèrent des revenus. Il est calculé en divisant le résultat net par l'actif total moyen.
The return on assets (ROA) tells you what the company can do with what it has, i.e. how many dollars of earnings they derive from each dollar of assets they control. It's a useful number for comparing competing companies in the same industry. The number will vary widely across different industries. Return on assets gives an indication of the capital intensity of the company, which will depend on the industry; companies that require large initial investments will generally have lower return on assets. ROAs over 5% are generally considered good.
advancing patient care through molecular diagnostic testing. interpace diagnostics develops molecular diagnostic tests. our molecular diagnostic tests provide unparalleled accuracy and clarity to improve outcomes in patients facing a cancer diagnosis. you can be assured that all of the molecular tests we offer are driven by rigorous, validated science. we power the future of molecular diagnostics, delivering cutting-edge and much-needed mutational analysis that helps risk-stratify for thyroid, pancreatic, and other cancers to better inform treatment decisions. the unique molecular diagnostic tests we offer enable healthcare providers to avoid unnecessary surgeries and better assess the risk of cancer progression in their patients.